AITA - Dealing with a snorer on Bach trip

YTA. You've been sleep deprived and I get it...but as someone who may snore occasionally, but definitely has family members that do extensively I can say that this is absolutely not just a her problem. It is a you problem too. There are many people who can willing to put up with/sleep through snoring because they understand that for some it is as natural as breathing. When you start making someone self-concious and attempting to punish someone about something that is as natural as breathing, due to your own potential misophonia, and making it potentially everyone else's problem, when I doubt they've actually come out and said that it also bothers them, like you've implied... that crosses into asshole territory.

And plus, if the snoring is that bad...getting a different room won't necessarily fix the issue, especially if, hypothetically speaking, the other room she would get is right next to yours....

And if I may offer a suggestion. From personal experience, nasal strips usually don't work unless the snoring issue is due to sagging skin affecting the nose structure. I don't know the features of this girl, but if she is snoring and has a long neck then she may benefit from trying different pillows that aren't so firm. Or, even not using a pillow at all... among other things. Firmer pillows cause our necks to bend in the wrong place right at the top which can contribute to that. It could be that simple. Maybe try that before busting out all the other more expensive options.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread