AITA because I got mad at my boyfriend for touching me in public settings

“And that’s ok as long as there’s communication and respect.”

Except for the part where there has been communication, and the boundaries have continued to be disrespected? Kinda neat how you’ve decided who I am and what I’m about just on the basis of the fact that I’m focused on the importance of consent. You might be shocked to find that I think characterizing it as ‘sexual assault’ is a bit extreme in this situation, depending on context and history that we just don’t have. It’s almost like, in the absence of necessary information, drawing complete and inflexible conclusions about people we don’t know is a little dickish.

But then again, I can see the appeal and comfort in characterizing others as emotional and panicky when their opinions don’t line up precisely with your own. Have fun with that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread