AITA is I cut my wife off from our bank accounts while she's overspending on a vacation?

Anyways, that brings us to the last week and a bit.

My wife was inviting by her mom and grandma to a "girls trip" (their words) to Ireland. Pretty much seemed like they wanted to be clear I wasn't invited.

We get along great, can't you tell? /s

Anyways, my wife wanted me to come regardless, but I pointed out that this year was my year to choose our trip and I had already chosen the trip to Yellowstone a year ago. I have been excited to go to Yellowstone for years and hunt for Forest Fenn's treasure. It's dumb, I know, but it's something I've always wanted to do, so that was going to be our trip.

I knew if I went to Ireland we would have no spending money set aside to go Yellowstone which is fairly inexpensive as we plan on driving.

Going over budget is not in our "save up and buy a house by next year" plan, so sticking to that budget is crucial.


Anyways, I declined, despite my wife's insistence. It was obvious I was not wanted to come on this trip so I figured, hell, let my wife spend some time with her family that abandoned us while being our only support system in a crazy expensive and cutthroat city.

I'm not bitter at all about that /s

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