AITA for accusing my girlfriend of getting pregnant intentionally?

YTA for so many reasons. Not only for what you have said and accused her of and how you went about it with the confrontation, but also because it takes two to make a baby. You clearly noticed all this "baby fever" and yet you were happy to just put it on her to take care of all the birth control stuff. Maybe you are not away how babies are made, but that stuff which comes out of your penis also plays a role in that, and if you are adamant about not creating a baby, then you should have taken additional care to prevent a baby being made. I don't necessarily mean condoms. It could have been female condom plus spermacidal jelly or insisting on a diaphragm.

Imagine having a conversation with someone about this wherein they asked you how much you didn't want a baby right now, and your response was "it is the last thing I want at this moment; it would be terrible for this to occur right now," and the other person responds by asking what measures you took to prevent this from occurring, and your response was "well I just let the lady handle all of it and continued to have unprotected sex with her, hoping it all goes well and that the measures she is taking, even when done correctly, have 100% success rate." It would make you sound like a moron.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread