AITA for angrily telling my friend that he was not the victim in his relationship?

NTA. Regardless of gender, this is standard narcissistic behaviour including playing the victim. Anyone with a history of crazy or abusive exes is almost certainly the problem, unless they have fallen into a pattern of tolerating abuse - and if you have known him for any period of time you will know yourself if this is the case or not.

Be aware also that many exes look 'crazy' because of the deterioration caused by narcissistic abuse, especially where false and negative portrayals are made and then seemingly irrational reactions to mild happenings occur 'confirming' the negative stories, when they are actually confirming the abuse.

Even the fact you are posting an AITA shows he's gotten to you, you feel like you're potentially the bad guy and that he's the victim!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread