AITA for answering a call in class?

There are literal laws around allowing child actors to Finish their schooling while on set. Something tells me a director would understand if a high school kid let it go to voicemail.

But that’s not even relevant because those same laws prevent the director from even contacting a kid directly.

But that’s not even relevant bexause the question is should he take a non emergency call in class and my answer is no.

That’s it. I’m not gonna argue it.

I’m an adult in the real world I get important calls all day at work and because I’m a professional I ignore them until it’s appropriate to take them. Phones are banned in many schools and workplaces I’m aware of. If the message is important enough, the sender of the message will find a way to get it there.

It happened for generations before cell phones.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent