AITA for asking my boyfriend to kiss me after a blowjob?

YTA definitely, along with 80% of the people commenting on this thread

Having preferences is one thing, and if you had simply asked your BF once to kiss you and then moved on once he said no there'd be no assholes. Willingly kissing him and tasting cum after he goes down on you is your preference, and doesn't mean you're entitled to have the favor returned to you, so continuously "nagging" your BF until you force him to give into doing something he doesn't want is beyond a preference. Maybe I sound extreme, but it's practically sexual harassment. Washing your mouth out with water for a few seconds wouldn't get rid of the taste of cum, either.

What's even worse is the amount of people that are defending you by saying you're NTA with the top comment calling your BF immature for not wanting to follow through with something he isn't obliged to. I really hope you guys don't have SOs. This thread is a toxic echo-chamber and I think it would be better if it got deleted.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread