AITA for asking my (23F) boyfriend (24M) for rides to work?


I say the following as a woman in a similar situation. I currently don't have a car, and am living with my boyfriend who does have a car. Most of my getting around is done via walking, taking public transit, or Uber. Occasionally I will ask my bf if he wouldn't mind giving me a lift somewhere, but even then I never expect it of him. It seems this is your key issue.

You sound as though you feel entitled to a lift from him. Your boyfriend works and contributes just as you do, so why should he need to give his freetime to chauffer you around? Does he not deserve to enjoy his free time without having to play taxi?

Of course it's great to do nice things for your S.O. and sure it would be nice of your bf to drive you. But even with our S.O.'s we still have our limits. If you ask this of him too often then it's perfectly understandable he'd be fed up with it.

The fact that you mention that you don't drive because you never learned when you were younger seems like an excuse because it's not as though you can't learn now. I understand that you might not be able to go buy yourself a car tomorrow if you were to learn now, but even just taking the step of learning would be a huge way to show some initiative to your bf and that you're not just planning on having him drive you around for their rest of your lives.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread