AITA for asking my wife for money when she ruined my night's sleep?

NTA, holy shit at the replies in this thread.

Some say he should "suck it up" after nearly causing a car accident that can cost many a thousand bucks or even life.

Take a nap and this and that, like, fuck dude, he is putting himself and other people at risk because of an immature, drunk person in his life is not letting him get any proper rest, and you are out here blaming him for being so tired that he nearly caused an accident, or that he can't suck it up?

So let me break this down again.

Guy tells wife he is tired and needs to sleep so he can work

Wife gets shitfaced drunk

He reminds her multiple times that he needs to sleep, even carries her to bed when she is so fucked up that she cant do that herself

He wakes up really fucked up and tired, unable to concentrate and nearly causes an accident that can cost people their lives

He tells his Wife that, and she berates him and calls him a deadbeat for the problems she caused him.

To everyone saying YTA or ESH, YTA.

This sub has gone to absolute shit.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread