AITA for asking my wife to have an abortion

I really wanted the abortion I had and never regretted it but it was really hard although I knew it was the right decision. I saw women who had abortions they didn't really want and they were totally fucked up over it. His wife probably also feels trapped because she didn't want this either but realizes forcing herself to have an abortion she doesn't want is not something she can do. Just being alive is a trap because it's a bunch of situations we didn't really want but now have to deal with.

Men also change their minds. Everyone does. No one can predict how they'll feel in the future, especially about abstracts like having kids versus an actual pregnancy. They can only give their best answer based on what they know. If the situation were reversed and he realized he wanted the kids, but she wanted to stick to the plan, he wouldn't be an asshole. Changing your mind doesn't make someone an asshole, whether it's about kids, staying together, where to live, or any of the other important decisions couples make. It's not something a person is doing to their partner, it's just realizing they want something they didn't expect. It just means they ended up being incompatible, with sad consequences for both if them

If anyone - men or women - are certain they don't want kids, they should take contraception into their own hands, with a vasectomy, tubes tied, condoms, a back up method, etc because of course sometimes people change their minds. NAH

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent