AITA for asking my friend, who has a kid, to pay slightly more rent?

Sorry for no TLDR, i was too close to exceeding the character limit. I'll post it here but it might get removed bc i guess that technically violates the rules

TLDR - My parents advised I make my friend, who has a kid, pay just about $15 more on rent because she's taking the master bedroom and my parents think having a toddler in the apartment is a big compromise. I am only moving in because she needs someone to help with babysitting, transportation, and to get a license and car. Her rent, in total, would be $185. No utilities, she pays for her own groceries, and we're not sharing anything since I am just leaving once she's got everything worked out. I thought, since even she agreed with it, that it would be okay to have her pay slightly more, but in a different post I made about it on Reddit, asking for advice, people just went nuts about it and made me feel like shit. So now I don't know if I'm an asshole or not for asking her to do this.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread