AITA for asking my sister to give some of our mothers jewelry to my girlfriend?

Yeah, people on this sub don't always come to the right conclusions, imo. Not everybody lives in the freaking US. And so all those assumptions about your father being the heir shouldn't have been part of all those judgements. I think it's fair to ask your sister for a couple of pieces. It doesn't make you greedy. You know your own motivations the best. One year does sound like a short time, but you seem very serious about this woman, so I'm not judging that. Although, maybe wait a few years? It's understandable that you didn't think about that jewellery at the time. You were grieving. Maybe your sister doesn't HAVE to give you anything, but it would be a loving thing to do for a brother, to just give a couple of pieces. Don't push it, though. Maybe try again in a couple of years, when they know your relationship is really serious.

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