AITA for asking my friend to move a picture of him and his wife because it made my wife uncomfortable?

I agree to an extent, but that's not my point.

I'm not saying Dahlia is innocent, but from what I gather from OP:s post she hasn't seen a therapist about the issue. That's the first step to get better. Dahlia didn't demand anything. OP did. Dahlia is most likely staying in the room because of former trauma, not because of some silent tantrum.

The issue is that Dahlia needs therapy and OP needs to see that. Dahlia is sick, from what I gather. She isn't actually in control of what's happening because of her illness.

These are only speculations, just like you said. We don't know everything. I could be wrong. If so, okay, fine. You could also be wrong.

The only thing we can agree on in the matter is that the friend is NTA and OP is. The reason I won't call Dahlia the AH is because I believe she has a mental illness that needs to be treated.

I'm not tiptoeing around her issues. I'm addressing them the only way I can at the moment, because I don't have all the info. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to call Dahlia an AH because I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and also because I really DO NOT want to call a sick person an AH.

It ends when Dahlia gets therapy.

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