AITA for asking a potential roommate her sexual orientation?

First, attraction is literally a feeling; it's not conjured up at will, it's just felt, it's just there and you can only notice it. I could have ignored it but how in the world is that better for either of us?

But getting back to the misogyny thing, did I really treat her like an object? I never 'took possession' of her or considered her 'mine' in any way. We barely knew each other! She was always totally free to live with who she wants, date who she wants, even just talk to who she wants, or not do any of those things for any reason and that's fine, I never tried to stop her doing that.

I'm just trying to figure out why she reacted very harshly to what I thought was a normal question. I think there's still something for me to learn there. I have at least learned that instagram stalking is very bad and very creepy and I should never do it again though.

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