AITA for attending a class after not going for a month?

NTA, life happens and you don’t owe anyone an explanation on why you haven’t been in class. However sitting around and doing nothing isn’t going to get you anywhere. I have depressive bipolar disorder and I’m also in school while going through a lot of rough things in my life so I understand your feelings.

I suggest taking one or two classes at a time so that way you don’t get too overwhelmed with your schooling. I do this and it helps my mental health a lot. I know I’m doing school a little slower but it’s allows me to get good grades without being stressed.

Depression is ugly and is clearly affecting your life. However I read about your “inability to do anything to help yourself”. No one is going to save you but yourself and if you don’t attempt to put effort into your life you will only be more and more miserable.

Best of luck!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread