AITA for being accidentally racist?


You pointed something out using a vague comparison like you had done in the other cases you described. By the sound of it, the only ones who pulled the race card right away were the other people In the room with similar ethnic background (is that racist?) I don't know anymore.

It was an innocent remark, made with no Ill intent. That seems to be a key factor most people seem to miss when they look for a reason to overreact or when looking for a reason to be offended. Context and intent. If you blatantly for no reason said something flat out racist out of the blue, then yeah, that's wrong. If you say someone in AGT looks like Markiplier, that doesn't make you racist, it makes you like the rest of us "normal folk" who don't constantly look for stupid shit to be offended by.

Also technically

I'm aware that all 49 of these sovereign states have their own unique customs and cultures, but they are all technically part of "Asia"

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread