AITA for being an ungrateful daughter?

Everyone who is not a doctor please stop fucking diagnosing personality disorders...? I’m sorry OP but you’re 30yo, I became difficult to shop for when I was like 10. In your post you admit you should have been more enthusiastic/tried the gift on, and two that you shop all year round and put a lot of effort into your gifts for people. I’m sorry but I give gift cards because I don’t care to miss the mark/create clutter for people. Does that give me NPD? If she put no thought into your gift she would have just “forgotten” it at home, and made excuses about ”forgetting” or got you a gift card like I do. Not to sound harsh but: just because we’re all not fabulous gift givers like you doesn’t mean shit. That’s too much fucking pressure man. You realize what Christmas is supposed to be about, right?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent