AITA for being disgusted that/embarrasing my boyfriend for jerking off at work?

YTA and sound immature. Masturbation is totally natural and at that age hes still got raging hormones. If he were doing it in a place where he could be seen, or in a place that isnt private, then it would be more creepy. He touches his penis in the bathroom anyway. It's a private closed off area, where he can also wash his hands. How do you not find it gross by sitting in a bed for example. Where someone has done the deed there. Also, you probably just detoured your boyfriend from ever opening up to you about private things out of fear of being judged and shamed. If you want a healthy relationship and sex life, your man shouldn't have to feel like his girl will shame him if he's honest about sexual matters. Also, making it as though your going to tell your parents seems childish and is also very wrong. Lots of things are okay but you wouldn't want to discuss it with your parents or partners parents. And you said "totes innapropes" that's not even cute. Again, its immature and your view on masterbation and the honesty around sharing it with ur partner is naive. You've got some growing up to do.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread