AITA for being pissed off after I was locked out of my own hotel room?

I mean yes YTA. I can definitely see why it was frustrating to deal with but you lost it bc the door was locked. I’d be more concerned if the door wasn’t locked and anyone could just walk right on it lol.

Each room had a card lock on it, the door doesn't open unless you swipe your room card. I swiped mine, but someone had put the metal lock on as well, so it was unable to open. You don't need the metal lock unless you want to lock literally everyone who isn't in your room out.

Also if you didn’t want to sleep in the bed you could’ve taken the cot the entire time or gotten your own separate room with the other guy.

There were 4 of us in one room, so if I wasn't sleeping in their love arena, my buddy would've been. And no I couldn't have gotten a separate room, at least not without paying extra money. Initially, we booked the room just 3 of us, my bud, and the guy in the couple. The girl was a last minute addition, she asked my friend and I if she could join our room, and I agreed, which I really didn't have to do.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent