AITA for being pro-lockdown?

No you haven't.

I don't really give a fuck what you think. I know what's true. I can tell you there is a fake goods market under Century Park station in Shanghai. I can tell you that there is a Soviet era 'looking' statue in Shenyang centre. Yin Yang hotpot with ducks blood is tasty. There is a military base in Taizhou. Hangzhou produces excellent tea, and you can buy crab on a stick to eat as you walk the lakes. If you need a receipt and don't speak Mandarin you can ask for 'fapiao' and it gets the message across.

By the way, the reason I asked if you had travelled there was because, had you actually visited, you'd realised China is as far from the communist utopia that people like you imagine. It's more capitalist than the US in my opinion. Money comes first in China, and if you think business owners care more for their employees than here? HAHAHAHA.

because you're getting dunked on online

I mean, I'm not. I'm telling an edge lord that it's wrong to excuse genocide. An edge lord that's never left is country and believes because he hasn't done something, nobody has.

Yes, the best way to get objective information on China is to checks notes check the news from a state-funded propaganda outlet in a capitalist country.

But it's OK to get it from a state-funded propaganda outlet in a 'communist' country.

Yes, all this Chinese propaganda we're subject to in... the UK.

Buy a plane ticket and travel. Broaden your horizons kid.

imagined human rights crimes

Imagine for a second that you believe they are real, those crimes. What would you think then?

/r/Scotland Thread Parent