AITA for being upset over my best friend's holiday gift to me?

I didn’t want to post the actual gift she got me because she lurks reddit, but at this point I don’t think this post would show up any kind of front page so I’m safe(ish). I googled gag gifts to post in place of the actual gift she got me.

I’m on my phone so I apologize for any weird formatting.

She knows I’m pervy and I crack very perverted jokes between us (the original gift I posted is something I would’ve enjoyed and used), so I can kind of tell why she got me this. But I feel like she gave up and scrolled through Amazon trying to find something. She sent me a screenshot of a $50 sweater for our mutual friend that she’s also close to and said she’s probably getting her that so I didn’t quite know how to feel other than upset. I always felt like a third wheel whenever the 3 of us hung out (like that friend would literally cling onto her) so I’m feeling the “I told you I’d get you something, so now I have to” vibe from this.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent