AITA for being upset that my girlfriend lead me on to believe she's broke when she's really making six figures?

NAH. Understandably, you're upset. She didn't disclose all the information. However, she is broke. She's busting her ass to pay down her debt as fast as she can. If she has that much student loans, the more she pays now, she more she saves. Interest on that amount, otherwise, would be so much money, and she'd be paying on that forever. If she's driving her old car, eating beans and rice, clipping coupons, she's doing the responsible thing, the right thing. She's sacrificing NOW, for the bigger picture. Support her decision. She might not have been completely forthcoming, but if she's pulling her weight in her portion of the bills, she's done nothing wrong. She might have assumed you knew there would have been a pay increase. It might have been just a simple miscommunication problem.

If you feel overwhelmed by paying for the expensive dates, the trips, gifts, maybe cut back? I'm sure she will understand.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread