AITA for being upset that my boyfriend has put social plans ahead of taking care of me after a minor medical procedure?

This is weird, and I think we’re getting part of the story, so I’m going with YTA. Work is not a “social plan” that he’s prioritising - it’s continuing to earn money whilst your pay is curtailed due to medical leave.

Why did you schedule your first treatment for when he was out of the country?

Did you talk to him about scheduling before you set up the second treatment? If not, do you make a habit of ignoring communication? (It seems so, since you ignored him when he tried to talk to you).

Do you really need someone at home? (If it’s non-surgical treatment for a rotator cuff injury that will have your bones ‘scraping’, it almost like some sort of Physio/chiro thing).

If it’s such an important treatment, why won’t your family come over?

None of this makes much sense. I wish you all the best with your treatment, but I really hope you can improve your communication (most particularly with your boyfriend).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread