AITA for being upset that my mom is getting rid of my childhood room?

My mother committed suicide when I was 9. I left my home at 13 and haven't been back since - he's dead now too, alcoholism. One could say my view on parents is a bit unusual as well.

That said... Do you know why I left at 13? I couldn't handle life with my alcoholic dad, so I went out on my own. I had some hard years between 13 and 16 (and I'm not advocating teenage homelessness), but the point is that I knew it was HIS house, even when I was 13.

I can't imagine being a grown ass adult and telling my folks they were assholes for thinking it was THEIR home to do with as they wished. They worked hard for that home, let them enjoy it however they want and stop feeling so entitled.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent