AITA for being upset that my parents are making me pay for rent, food and water despite going on 17?

I'm a bit concerned that your parents are shaming you for acting like a teenager and doing something that teenagers do. Dating is not an exclusively adult activity, so that argument is silly. While lying to your parents is sub-optimal, I'm going to have to say that your parents are naive, controlling, or both here. Hell, I never told my parents if I was interested in someone in high school, much less if I was OMG DATING someone.

Having said that, them asking you to contribute money to the household is not unreasonable per se. You're almost an adult and having to learn to budget is a good lesson. That they're taking what might be a good lesson and twisting it to control you? That's peak manipulation.

You're not NTA, OP. This is all about context and your parents are being manipulative and masking it as a "lesson."

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread