AITA for blocking my brother from getting a free vacation?

NTA absolutely.

I was with someone like that. He took years to do his first degree. (8 when the usual time is 3 years in the UK), years to do anything else and even when he did get into a Master's, it took more than the usual year too. And all because of random reasons.

He also wouldn't apply for any job that was part time or not at a 'good company' because they weren't good enough, and unlike me he wouldn't 'settle' since I clearly had no social iq and had to take the first job I got. I got 4 degrees in the time he got his Bachelor's and I still wasn't good enough.

I would love to know where OP comes from. When you're 30 and blame not getting a job on being anxious and refuse to even get a part time job, then you can very well deal with the consequences of that. The consequences of that include : no freeloading vacations with people who work.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread