AITA for booking a hotel 5 mins away from BF's gig for my boyfriend and I?

I just don't feel there's any compromise. I'm driving my car two hours there and back. I took the time to find a nearby hotel and book a room. It's so convenient that it's 5 mins away. I'm not forcing him to walk but it hurts my feelings that he treats me like a chauffeuse or staff member. I feel he could have been more courteous and just told me he'd prefer to drive to the venue. But he was really mean and didn't even say thank you before complaining about walking 5 minutes.

It makes me feel shitty. Ok, he has a lot of gear, fine. We will drive. It's not like I booked a hotel and said, "SURPRISE! I got us a hotel room! Now pay me gas money and btw we're walking to the venue!" That's not what happened. I told him I'd book us a room, I happened to find one for a good price in a nice hotel right in the middle of where we will be hanging out, and i mentioned it's 5 mins walking and he immediately freaked out. Parking is not cheap in the city where we'll be. I didn't want to drive to the hotel, pay for valet (no free parking), drive to the venue, pay for parking there, drive back to the hotel later, THEN go to the bars. It's a pain in my ass. I'm just expected to drive around everywhere and just deal with it because he doesn't want to walk 5 minutes. This is just how I feel about it...

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