AITA for “bribing” my daughter to be a surrogate?

My toddlers are the same age as a close friend of my father's. He was a single, 50 year old man. He always wanted a family, but never had a relationship work out. So now the kids are 3 and 2, and he's 53. I'm serious when I say he is one of the best father's I've ever seen. He is so hands on, so caring. Takes them grocery shopping with him, cooks with them, he did all the overnights by himself, except when he had to work. He takes care of his health. His mother is actively involved as well, she's 75(?). Age doesn't ALWAYS determine whether a person will be a good or bad parent. But I certainly worry what would happen if he dies suddenly and he will be 69 when they just graduate high school.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent