AITA for bringing Kraft mac and cheese to my cousin’s potluck wedding reception?

NAH - they wanted their party to be as perfect as possible, but that’s not how parties work. Their expectations were a little high, but they’ll get over it. Fair enough they asked you to bring a dish, but they will need to chill out about the fact that you didn’t.

You brought a dish that suited your circumstances, nothing wrong with that. They tried to tell you exactly what to bring, that isn’t really how potluck works, so you’re ok to bring what suits you instead.

It sounds like people made too big a deal out of this, it was a bit of excitement and a talking point for a while. There’ll be another drama that takes people’s attention soon, so don’t worry they will move on eventually.

(Related experience - someone brought cheap grey-coloured meat to a bbq once. People teased them and joked about it for a long time. The person was a little offended by the comments, but noone talks about it anymore)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread