AITA for bringing up statistics over politcal correctness?


And honestly, how the F do we know how many roofies get poured in a drink on a daily basis? Who is reporting this? The criminals? The poor people who wake up the next day knowing something horrible has happened, but with no info at all, so they do not report their assault? The idea that there's a Roofie Governing Body that has accurate statistics reported in by rapists is fucking laughable.

OP, LISTEN TO WOMEN. Most of us freaking know someone this has happened to. I saved my friend from a horrible experience (or worse) when she got roofied, and we didn't report into the Well, Actually School for Statistical Assholes.

Is this the hill you wanna die on? Because it seems to me that the motivations for any man who wants to downplay rape...well, they ain't good. Why are you so invested in making sure women aren't listened to? (And not just women are roofied.)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent