AITA for buying a $50,000 guitar for $4,000 and refusing to sell it back when the buyer found out the real value?

My father and I have had similar situations such as this. Back in the dad’s day, his buddy gave up a sick Westone(Memphis brand at the time) because he was in debt and to this day, dad still has it... but I fucked up the fretboard out of teenage rage(yeah real stupid now that I play...) Now my experience: A family member on a side that we don’t talk to too much had a 1933 Gibson L-OO that i’ve been trying to get from them for years. Well fast forward to today, I got the gib and my aunt found out how much it actually is worth and has tried to ask for money. Luckily my parents and other family have my back because no one other than my dad and I play the instruments. I guess they’re worried about me selling it which is preposterous since it’s my soul.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread