AITA for call my wife selfish on mothers day?

Cool, Im not a teen though and I am not trying to be edgy this is just my straight opinion. I explained myself better on another post on this sub (I'm more of the opinion that if you love someone you should appreciate them daily then on one day a uear), so yeah. Im not trying to front on mothers (or single mothers) or there day, just crazy that its this serious. My parents just didnt treat it like that. Like I say in my other post for my parents it was a joke, I just couldnt imagine a relationship ending fight over mothers day. I can be wrong, and I am sorry for going all scorched earth on you But, you just dont know anything about me and you cant make that sort of serious judgement (like to not have kids) off of an AITA post. For example, I now know that your a single mother, and I could be like hey maybe if you made better life decisions, your kids wouldnt be statistically more likely to be criminals. But, I wouldnt say something like that because I dont know you and I cant judge your world like that. You see what I mean? Hope you enjoy your awesome life.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent