AITA for calling a dog 'scary'?

NAH. You say your father told you not to call a dog scary and he is right. Yes, you read in the news that sometimes people or children are attacked by a dog. But more often, you read about a man attacking, raping and/or murdering children. Can you imagine what would happen if you told a lady to please take her husband away from you because he is scary to you? Not all men hurt people and the same goes for dogs.

Please take action to allow yourself, your siblings and future generations to be free of fear of dogs. Functional fear is when a dog is aggressive to you. Non-functional fear is when the dog is just being a dog and minding his own business. Learn how to 'read' a dog and relax. Won't it be fantastic to be able to walk the streets without crossing them if there is a dog nearby? Most people live a full life without ever being attacked by a dog, without being scared of them.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread