AITA for calling my dad a narcissist?

Actually that isn't what I said at all. What I said was in my state this qualifies as abuse.

If you want be to be judged on calling him a narcissist, fine. NTA.

I'm sorry for your situation, if in fact you say who you are.

But I don't like what you are doing here.

As in life, a lot of people participate in this sub who have significant trauma histories. Some of them have tried to be of support to you.

You make a post about a raging parent, intimating he is violent and then defending his actions and your inaction. That's going to stir a lot of people up.

If you wanted opinions on your comment, you didn't need to get into all the details and then suggest there is even worse material you aren't sharing. You paint a picture of a traumatized little boy who isn't going to be helped by anyone. We are left to wonder if this is a man who physically or sexually assaults his children on a regular basis.

You didn't need to do that in order to get your judgment.

It would be one thing if you were asking for help. Like if you were scared and you needed ideas that fit within your level of comfort.

But you aren't. That really bothers me.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent