AITA for calling my bf an incompetent idiot and not helping him clean up his mess?

Important question: what is the living situation? Jointly owned home? You or him owns the home? Tenants? Cuz unless you own (not rent) the home and the wall, then idk he doesn’t have to use screws and probably should use strips. But assuming there’s no reservation in that department the way he isn’t willing to try and put effort into doing quality house work must be mind numbingly frustrating. You love and care for him so much, and he CLAIMS to do the same but yet in your spice rack, something he KNOWS is important to you, fails to put in the extra 15-30secons of elbow grease…to show that alleged love. It’s like if you loved me, respected me, and cared about the nice things I do for you such as cook nice dinners, then why just take the extra few seconds to use the damn screws and care about what I said is important!?!?!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread