AITA For Calling My Daughter Weird?


A huge part of living with ocd is feeling excessive guilt and shame. I don't care what your daughter is doing; you are not helping her by telling her that she should feel ashamed of her condition.

Also refusing to see one psychiatrist again is not the same as refusing all help. I grew up with severe ocd and have firsthand experience with psychiatrists that did not have my best interest at heart. It can be tough to find a good one that understands ocd. Even if that isn't what's happening here, getting help for ocd is hard. Everything in your head is telling you that doing compulsions is helping you, or even that seeking treatment could harm you. Support your daughter, and encourage her to see someone she feels comfortable with, but understand that recovery from ocd is difficult.

Recovering from ocd is the hardest thing by far I have ever had to do, but it's changed my quality of life drastically. Wishing all the best to your daughter in recovery

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread