AITA for calling a restaurant back to complain about a rude employee?

And I encourage you to learn more about anaphylaxis so you are no longer an asshole about someone else’s health and safety.

Lucky folk who don’t have to worry about severe allergic reactions usually believe “anaphylaxis” is synonymous with “throat-closing” and it is not. An anaphylactic reaction is one which involves multiple body systems in a severe reaction as a result of an exposure to the allergen trigger. Sometimes it does involve the throat closing up and breathing issues. Sometimes it’s a severe drop in blood pressure. Sometimes it’s GI distress so bad that it feels like you’re being disemboweled with a dull wooden spoon over the agonizing course of several days. The systemic reaction OP is trying to avoid is indeed anaphylactic.

If you’ve never experienced an anaphylactic reaction yourself, or seen someone struggle through it, it’s easy to be dismissive and think it’s nbd. In reality, it’s like spinning a carnival wheel of horrible, scary, potentially lethal prizes that should be so very simple to avoid if only people like you would just believe that things can be true even if they. don’t. actually. happen. to. you.

OP is NTA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent