AITA for comparing drugs to my girlfriends hobby?

Researchers are seeking to understand how cocaine’s many longer term effects produce addiction’s persistent cravings and risk of relapse.

This is the 2nd paragraph of the article you linked. This in itself is not a substantiated study and many articles will state the opposite. Cocaine can affect dopamine levels in your brain with VERY heavy usage, like incredible sustained usage over decades. This does not happen with usage of that even 5-10 times a month. I would agree, stay away from cocaine, t's expensive and if you have any heart problems it will kill you. But you can state the same negativity towards excess marijuana consumption and nobody does. But please do not pretend the drug has withdrawal tendencies or is physically addictive, that is misinformation.

If an idiot does a drug they will behave in an idiotic way. People are advocating shrooms and weed on this post and you can find horror stories for both.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent