AITA for confronting my colleague for talking behind my back and going directly to my boss?

Idk what to say about that. On one side it is convenient because you work less than 8 hours when there are no orders and customers.

Idk why it would be slacking when I never took a bathroom break or a cig break unless I knew for a fact that all the orders were done, the place was spotless and clean and there were no customers.

I take my jobs seriously, I am never late, I work as hard as I can, but if there is nothing to do for hours and I have done the refills needed and there are no customers, what the problem would be if I am outside?

I just dont get it, if there is nothing left to do and I am there, watching everything as a hawk, not leaving customers to wait and I try to do my job as best as I can, what does it matter if I am inside or outside? It takes me literally 2 seconds to go in and take an order, itd not like I dissappear for hours and no one knows where I am . Even on bathroom breaks, in max 10 mins, I am back.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent