AITA for contacting child services on my ex-wife?

God with 5000 a child in support she's surely living her best life just neglecting those children. Op makes plenty enough to takw this back to the courts and should surely seek full custody with no child support in return, if he so wishes. There is no valid explanation/excuse for this, "saving up" explains why those kids are in old clothes. I wish and would die for the opportunity to be able to do that for my 2 children but yet i struggled to get enough saved for supplies and a few new outfits recently for my daughters first year in school. The mom isn't using the money on the kids, bills, roof over thier head or for anything but herself. I'd suggest OP take care of them (daycare when working) and offer to do so without needed support from the mom except maybe givint time she wants to spend with them. I know I would do so if I was able for my kids.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent