AITA for cutting my maid of honor out of my life after she missed my wedding?

Friend doesn't seem worthy of respect. How you view people's lifestyles changes when they betray you. Remember that this post was written after Iz was given many chances to admit wasn't up for the responsibility. It is bound to be disrespectful.

Can you really blame OP for not respecting Iz anymore? Would you still respect a dishonest friend who said they'd do something important for you and dropped it without a warning? Would you respect them after finding out that their feeling "ill" was likely a hangover? That their dropping you was no accident.

Lifestyle choices or not, I think OP is perfectly entitled to not respect her friend anymore. And she's right to include that information in her post. It paints a clearer picture. Otherwise she'd be getting lots of I N F O requests because "something is missing".

This subreddit isn't for people's disrespectful thoughts, but their actions and words, no?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent