AITA for cutting the tyres of my father's second car, cause he deleted my Minecraft World?

So, just some more information. I'm a last year law student and this might be the last times when I'm free like this in my life. My father never approves of any of my choices. We even had an argument when I suggested I do an LLM but take a year off so I can be sure it's what I want. I'm not wasting my time at all, I worked under a professor as a Research Assistant and also worked to develop content for an app. I would get scholarship to multiple universities, but my father will only focus on how I'm wasting my time. This is not the first time. Ever since I was like 10 years old, and wanted a PS2 my father would say I'm not supposed to waste my time. Wanted an iPod for the school trips (phones weren't allowed) don't waste time. Want a TV in your room you guessed it. I never even had a PC in which you could game before my college when I got a mid tier gaming laptop. I only started gaming in college and didn't do anything of the sort before.

I told my dad that I wanted to write a novel, I love reading and have some great ideas but guess what his reply was. I'm sure you got it. It's the culmination of all these feelings that have been building inside me for so long that have resulted in this. I definitely see how just deleting my Minecraft World is not a good enough reason to do what I did so maybe all this context will help.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread