AITA for dating someone (almost) my daughter's age?

NAH but I do understand why your daughters would be creeped out. If my dad did something like that, I’d be pretty uncomfortable too.

Your ex wife is probably also butt hurt you got someone so fast and so young EVEN if the divorce was her idea. She’s human after all. Besides the age thing, your daughters must also feel resent for you making their mom feel like this. They love their mom too. Don’t forget that

And you can go off the angle “but doesn’t your daughters hate your wife for wanting a divorce in the first place?” They only know the surface stuff that’s happening. There’s so many factors you can take into consideration but whatevs. It is what it is.

Please make sure this new gf just isn’t in it for your money or the benefits of working with you if you’re a higher up. Plus she’s your coworker. Have fun trying to keep things at work chill if shit hits the fan with you guys.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread