AITA For Dumping My BF Who's Been Depressed For 6 Months??

I'm sorry but I'm not talking about just having a horrible idea.

If you think racist thoughts, it's on you to stop yourself. If you think sexist thoughts, you're still being sexist.

Its great you can keep it in your head rather than spewing hate into the world but you shouldn't be thinking it in the first place. Acting like it's okay because you don't say anything doesn't magically just make you not fucking racist. If you think sexist stuff in your head, you're still fucking sexist.

If your gut reaction to someone crying is to feel disgust and think they're weak then yes, you need to fucking work on yourself. No, it's not okay for you to have those thoughts. No, it's not good enough to hide behind "well I never said it out loud" because you still fucking think it's true.

How is this some crazy moral highground bullshit to you? If you hate internally you're still hating.

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