AITA for eating my kids' leftover Halloween candy?

Parents like this are the absolute WORST. Their justification for every single thing they do is always, "I pay the bills around here! I can do whatever I want!"

And he had the audacity to type this all out, and end it with a message to make it perfectly clear to everyone that he doesn't even think he might be an asshole. So he really just posted this thinking that everyone was going to take his side. hy relationship with food.

And he had the audaicty to type this all out, and end it with a message to make it perfectly clear to everyone that he doesn't even think he might be an asshole. So he really just posted this thinking that everyone was going to take his side.

YTA Not that you actually care. And I don't believe for a second you'll replace the candy (YOU NEED TO!) Just for your attitude alone, and refusal to even acknowledge what you did was wrong (way to set an example for your kids!) You should be buying them something extra special, just consider it an asshole tax.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent