AITA for expressing my feelings about my friends fiance?

AITA for expressing my feelings about my friends fiance?

So I have Two friends that I have gotten close with. One friend (Kelly 27f)was single when we met and extremely desperate in a sense to get married and start a family. She talked about it non stop. She met a guy(bf 32m) April 22 on a dating app and by June they were wanting to get married. He still lived with his parents and was refusing to hang with any of her friends. He dissapeared for a week and gambled $2k away. His parents had an intervention and wanted friend to be there. Centered the intervention around her. He is codependent on his family. Has to eat with them multiple times a week. Has to see both parents (divorced) daily. Tried moving in with Kelly in Aug22 and tried pressuring her into sex (she's a born again virgin and made it clear she wasn't doing it until they got married). Anyways he torments her in November about proposing and makes things miserable. He proposes and a month later they go on a trip together and while on the trip our other friend Olivia gets a text from him. I was texting her about something different and she said "he texted you too?" And then she told me he texted her wanting Addy and to keep it a secret. Obviously Olviia is going to tell Kelly. The next day he texts her back and says nvm it's for a friend. Kelly texts me hysterical and says he made the weekend terrible. I thought it wS about bf and I ask about it and she was like no my brother what do you mean bf ? I then come clean and she gets mad saying I have no business assuming stuff he was helping out a friend and I'm like Kelly please don't believe that he is lying. She then starts a group chat with me and Olivia asking us not to talk about bf to each other which we agreed to but at this point I am seriously worried about her. I tell her I see red flags and I'm worried and she gets mad and doesn't speak to me for a week. Now she wants me being in the wedding and I'll be there for her but I feel bad for even saying anything in the first place.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread