AITA for fading in this situation?

I almost got banned from that sub for making some kind of sense. Anyway, I feel you there and it's not up the butt and it certainly wipes out the whole concept of intimacy. No pun intended. I know most people are out for what they can get, others are dependent on therapy, another cache prefers virtual reality and I think the man I wanted at some point fell through the cracks of our dystopian dating culture. Just because they say they want ltr doesn't mean they don't have to do anything to prove it. Condom is sex ed 101. Stay out of the lion's den, your pride lies elsewhere.

He brought up the topic of what we're looking for on OLD, and we both said we're ultimately looking for relationships. However, it kind of took a turn when he invited me back to his place. For whatever reason, I agreed, thinking "why not?".

/r/datingoverthirty Thread