AITA For falling asleep during sex?


Do you actually want a baby? I read in your OP about how she wants a baby, but you never actually state that you are as keen about starting a family as she is. Are you sure you aren’t subconsciously sabotaging the baby making efforts?

The bottom line (which is basic biology) is that if YOU want to have a family you have to have sex sometime within her fertile window for conception which is 5 days up to ovulation (and maybe up to 2 days after). You don’t have sex, you can’t have a baby - simple as that. She isn’t the Virgin Mary and can’t conceive on her own.

Yes your job is important to support a family, but to actually make a family you need to contribute some sperm as well. You could jerk off into a jar and use a turkey baster, but the nicest way is to make love to the woman that you love.

What you have left out of your OP but revealed in some comments is that because of long work hours you hadn’t been able to have sex during the 5 fertile days leading up to last night. So not only you haven’t been intimate for a while, but last night was the last chance to conceive a baby for a whole month.

It’s very understandable that she’s upset. It wasn’t just about you falling asleep. It was about what you are showing her is important.

You need to look at your work life balance and examine your priorities and try and figure what you can change to be able to be intimate with your wife more often.

It sounds like your work is interfering with your sex life.

I’m sure it doesn’t feel great to be told “I’m ovulating so we have to have sex” and having to have sex on a schedule - but if your sex life is good anyway it really doesn’t end up being such a big deal because you will naturally be having sex at some time when she’s ovulating.

If she’s been tracking her cycle I’m sure she can predict when her fertile period is likely to be next month. How about you organize some time away (a cabin? A nice hotel?) to coincide with that and take time off if you need to. Focus on her and enjoying your time together and give yourselves plenty of opportunity to have lots of sex and intimate fun. Even if it doesn’t end in conception you’ll still have reconnected with your wife and had a great time.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread