AITA for finding love with women 25 years younger than me.

I wasn't aiming for an article that trashes age gaps in a relationship, I was aiming for one that was unbiased and backed up by statistics. But you're also conveniently ignoring these parts:

However, that’s just one study; others, like a 2008 analysis of data from England and Wales, show there is not a significant association between age gap and marriage dissolution.

And more importantly:

"However, there’s more to a relationship’s “success” than simply staying together and avoiding divorce. There’s also satisfaction. Research from 2017 out of the University of Colorado shows that both men and women who marry younger than themselves are often initially happier, but see a sharper decline in satisfaction over time. Those who marry spouses of similar ages, by comparison, are more stable in terms of happiness and fulfillment"

Like I said in my first comment (the one that was actually aimed at you, not just a general discussion), if you're both going into this with your eyes open then good luck to you, I hope you'll be happy. I never said you shouldn't be together, just to not be naive and to make sure you're both aware of and communicate about the issues your relationship will face.

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