AITA for firing employee of 20+ years for calling my niece "Princess"

She isn't technically an employee. The way the business is set up is my office is at the end of the building, with a kitchen, storage room, and bathrooms between us. For Belladonna to have talk to my niece at all, she would have had to go through the whole building [she was at the front] and come looking for my niece specifically.

My niece doesn't have anything to do with the business as a whole, she spends the whole day either working on classes at home or in my office doing tutorials. She isn't with the other employees at all and I have made it clear she isn't really part of the business, she is pretty much doing intern stuff for me before she starts classes, in which she isn't going to be working for me, she is going to be working on campus.

To work for me, you have to have a degree in the business.

It was the fact that Belladonna went out of her way to track down someone who she isn't in charge of, to call them a princess in a nasty tone, and demand she get her coffee.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent